Piling Design
Our in house design department benefits from over 100 years of accumulated pile design expertise and we are happy to offer pre-tender advice, in conjunction with a full design build service, backed by £10million PI insurance. The Company uses fully licensed state-of-the-art software to support a fully professional service to its clients.
- Geosolve Wallap – Embedded Reatining Wall Analysis
- Oasys ALP- Analysis of Horizontal Pile Loads
- Oasys Adsec – Reinforced Concrete Design.
From the soils information the design team will produce a formal design package using recognised CFA or Rotary design parameters and standards to provide the pile depths, diameters and reinforcement required.
In addition to pile calculations we can provide pile mat designs to the requirements of BR470.
We can provide pile calculations to Eurocode EC7 Format or to historical British Standard format to BS8004 suit the client’s application or needs.